Limassol animal rights activists are asking the state and city authorities to help them open a cat park, a space designed for 6,000 stray animals who will find their new home here. Officially, the authorities welcome these initiatives, but they are in no hurry to take concrete actions.
Established in 2019, Catnation, an initiative group to help stray cats, feeds stray animals, organizes veterinary care and spaying for them. In addition, social activists carry out a lot of information and educational work – they tell the society about the plight of these animals. In 2019, Catnation approached the authorities for a site in the Pyrgos area where they could open a 6,000-cat park. The association’s president, Sophocles Nikolaides, said at an event held in Limassol last week that there are over a million stray cats in Cyprus and has asked for state support. “This is not just about creating a park, but also about changing the attitude towards animals in Cypriot society, ” he said .. “Seeing homeless kittens sick, abandoned or dead on the street is a dubious pleasure.”
As conceived by the authors of the idea, the cat park will help to cope with the problem of homeless cats in Cyprus. According to the Catnation project, conditions for recreation for children and adults, a children’s playground, a cafe, educational and information stands will be created here. But the main goal of the new establishment is to create a safe space for stray cats. Here, animals will be given shelter, veterinary care will be provided, if necessary, a sterilization procedure will be performed. Any cat from the new shelter can be taken home. “This institution guarantees a comprehensive approach to the problem of stray animals and its effective solution. The